Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow are prevalent injuries among athletes, often resulting from repetitive strain on the elbow’s muscles and tendons. Epicondylitis, a general term for this condition, refers to the inflammation or overuse of the forearm muscles and tendons where they attach to the elbow. This injury typically arises from repetitive motions like gripping and swinging, such as with a racquet or golf club. The constant impact between the club or racquet and the ball can cause micro-tears in the surrounding muscles or damage to the elbow’s ligaments.

When pain is primarily felt on the inner side of the elbow, it is termed golfer’s elbow or medial epicondylitis. Conversely, pain on the outer side of the elbow is known as tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis. Common symptoms include pain or burning sensations in the elbow, reduced grip strength, and night pain. While some cases may resolve swiftly, untreated epicondylitis can become chronic, potentially sidelining athletes from their sports for an extended period.

Epicondylitis can also be exacerbated by dysfunctions in surrounding joints, from the neck to the wrist. A physical therapist can address these issues, with conservative treatments showing an 80-95% success rate. Key to recovery is resting and avoiding activities that exacerbate symptoms to allow the muscles and tendons to heal. Ice application can reduce inflammation and promote healing, and wearing a brace can alleviate symptoms and decrease muscle stress if avoiding activities isn’t feasible.

For a comprehensive recovery plan, it is essential to consult a physical therapist. At Innovative Physical Therapy, our therapists will evaluate not only the elbow but also the neck, shoulder, wrist, and hand for dysfunctions that may contribute to the condition by increasing stress on the forearm muscles and raising the risk of re-injury. We will develop a tailored plan to support your return to sport. Call 904-280-2002 or visit to schedule a FREE Discovery visit with one of our physical therapists.