Do you have soreness after exercise and oftentimes forget to stretch or perhaps can’t find the time to fill up a bag of ice to put on your aching muscles? Peristaltic Pulse Dynamic Compression, also known as NormaTec, is a soreness recovery system that uses intermittent pulsed and sustained compression that aims to reduce swelling, improve lymphatic return, increase blood flow and reduce pain.

Effects of Exercise on Muscle

Training results in an inflamatory process with associated swelling. The symptoms of this inflammation include the typical soreness you feel after working out at the gym including: muscle aches, swelling and movement impairment. So, while muscle and joint inflammation are a natural response to intense exercise, too much strain can cause an inflammatory response that can slow down healing at a cellular level. Basically, Normatec reduces the extra swelling after exercise, so your body finds it a bit easier to clear it out. Without it, we have to rely on rest, ice, and utilizing aching muscle contractions (acting as a local compression pump) to clear fluid in general and help to heal the muscle tissue.

Benefits include:
-Pain Reduction
Studies have shown that athletes have less pain immediately after their NormaTec session. The effects last longer than your average 15 minute compression session.

Vascular and Cellular

There’s plenty of research to prove that the NormaTec improves vascular and cellular functioning. When we know that tough exercise induces micro trauma to our muscle, increasing our blood flow and anti-inflammatory markers can only have a positive effect on our recovery

Increased Range of Motion
​NormaTec, as a result of reducing swelling and decreasing pain helps to improve joint mobility by decreasing strain from the muscles surrounding them.

Who Uses It?
Normatec is growing in popularity with Star Athletes, Gymnasts, Physical Therapists, and other gym enthusiasts.

Give us a call to see if you might be a good fit for this device and try it today!
Give us a call at 904-280-2001 (Jax beach office) or 904-280-2002 (Ponte Vedra and Southside office)